A lecturn in a church has particular requirements that a regular lectern does not.
The first of these is portability. In a normal setting, a regular lecturn does not need to be moved on and off stage. For churches however, this is not the case. A church will often have worship time, using the whole stage. The lecturn will then be brought on by a stage manager or the preacher themselves for the sermon or message. This is in contrast to a speaker in a secular setting or sales conference for example a where there is generally no worship component.
Preachers are in many cases more dynamic than a speaker at say and annual general meeting. For this reason the lecturn is used differently. For a preacher it is a place to return to occasionally to refer to the bible or sermon notes. In a business meeting situation however, the person speaking will generally stand still behind it. They may even read a prepared statement or speech. Often the microphone will be attached to the lecturn so they have no choice but to stay put!
Interestingly, a Procson pulpits can also be found in situations that requre amplified sound.
Click here to see the former Australian Prime Minister speaking from our lecturn.